Synonym: arrest, backtrack, chase away, check, contain, dispel, double back, drive away, drive off, drive out, hold back, invert, regress, retrovert, return, reverse, revert, run off, stop. Similar words: back, turn, turn on, back up, back of, back on, turn out, turn to. Meaning: v. 1. retrace one's course 2. go back to a previous state 3. force to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings 4. hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of 5. turn inside out or upside down.
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31 Normally the fish would take one look at the lure, and turn back in disgust.
32 We failed to clear the farther islands which guard the entrance, and had to turn back to Po Ti.
33 But the young hedgehog, if she heard, did not turn back.
34 Only later did the skin of the shark turn back to its more usual blue-and-white shading.
35 Yet it wasn't long before he was remembering that journey as the last chance he'd had to turn back.
36 About a mile away from me they change course and turn back slowly in graceful, wide curves.
37 The peasants, having just come out to the fields, turn back, uttering loud cries.
37 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
38 North Beach and Union Square merchants wait for customers who turn back, frustrated by street closures and a lack of parking.
39 I speak from experience, as my wife and I had to turn back and miss the December 1990 meeting.
40 As the big jetliner continued its turn back to the airport, Duncan applied some power back to the left engine.
41 The expected revenue from this source was depended upon to help turn back the enemy.
42 But it is too late to turn back the clock on the bank's international expansion.
43 But it was too late to turn back, with troops on the ground.
44 The novelist and his wife cross themselves again and turn back into the night.
45 It is time to stop trying to turn back the clock.
46 There are times when I've pushed on when all the signals were saying turn back.
47 Think Thousand times before taking a decision But - After taking decision never turn back even if you get Thousand difficulties!! Adolf Hitler
48 They were halfway up the mountain(, when the weather became so bad that they were forced to turn back.
49 But if the dove were crushed, they must turn back and give up all hope of the Golden.
50 We chased after him for about five blocks but then we lost him and had to turn back.
51 Suddenly, definitely, he decided to quit, turn back, go home, leave everything until tomorrow.
52 The pilot tried to turn back but the jet exploded and a large fireball ripped into a crowded residential area.
53 But inadequate and ill-prepared though she felt, she knew she could not turn back now.
54 I can only hope I am proved wrong: things have gone too far to turn back the tide.
55 Willing my heart to beat normally, I defy the urge to turn back or freeze or cry out.
56 And heavens knows, once launched it's all too hard to turn back and look again for the missed trace.
57 She reached the house, where a bird in a cage sang to her to turn back.
58 I signalled to turn back in the direction of the motorway, then I changed my mind.
59 Countries that have developed a taste for gas-guzzling machinery are certain to find it difficult to turn back to animal power.
60 The huge structures have endless corridors, barren hallways like tunnels that turn back upon themselves, leading nowhere.
More similar words: back, turn, turn on, back up, back of, back on, turn out, turn to, turn off, turn up, in turn, return, turn in, hold back, set back, pay back, cut back, call back, back away, turn down, turn away, go back on, give back, look back, backyard, draw back, keep back, feedback, go back to, turn over.